3 by Three
Ever found yourself thinking I could have done that so differently if I had been more prepared, or if I hadn’t been highjacked by my emotions, or if they hadn’t done x, y, or z! Life is messy. Managing it can be made easier when you have a way of understanding what is going on.
The 3 by Three program offers you a new way of looking at all of your interactions, particularly those made more difficult because emotions are running high.
3 by Three is Interact Now’s foundation program. It engages you emotionally and then gives you the opportunity to watch or choose to put yourself into situations so that you can practise safely, get input, change your mind, “phone a friend”. You can engage with what is going on without the risk that the outcome of your interaction it could impact your life irretrievably.

You don’t know what you don’t know.
But how do you imagine what you might need to know.
When you are in the middle of the mess that is life, it can be hard to know how to respond, particularly when you are caught in unexpected emotion. You can’t imagine what you will feel like. So we create it for you. And you learn to deal with the mess in the moment.
You actually get to practise.
We have a way of creating situations you need to respond to in a safe environment. You can try different options, you can watch someone else try your ideas, you can coach someone. There is time to discuss, unpack and look at 3 psychological models that will help you make meaning of what is going on – The how and why of your own and other’s behaviour. They say experience is that best teacher. Too true. And you don’t have to wait, we create the experience so that you can learn safely.
Contact us for more information.

Some of our recent workshops have covered:
- Performance management
- Uncomfortable and necessary conversations
- Delivering bad news
- Communicating with people in various emotional states

- Diversity and inclusion
- Sexual harrassment
- Communication methods
- Team culture and leadership styles
- And much more…